About us

The Aseema Trust was founded to build bridges between traditional performing arts and education and also Mahatma Gandhi and his ideas of truth and non-violence inside and outside schools for young and old. Founded by V.R.Devika in 1998, it is managed by Coordinator and finance manager Vasantha Parthasharathy and a large team of resource persons. The Aseema Trust is nurtured by the partnerships it has built over the years. Aseema means no boundaries in Sanskrit.

The Founder

Dr.V.R.Devika, founder and managing trustee of The Aseema Trust holds a PhD from the department of Philosophy, University of Madras on “M.K.Gandhi’s communication strategies and philosophical implications.” She also has been a school teacher since 1974, a media person freelancing on the radio and print media since 1979 and television since 1980. She believes that all things coexist and it is the holistic idea in education that shapes a person